Sometimes you need to send or retreive data and update a small portion of portlet without a page refresh. Ajax is the solution to perform that and this tutorial will show how to use...
Tagged: liferay-portlet.xml
Liferay client side portlet communication using Ajax
Introduction Once a portlet is placed on a portal page, its data is not directly shared with other portlets. IPC (Inter Portlet Communication) defines the ways that a Portlet can interact and communicate with another...
Liferay IPC using Portlet session (Inter Portlet Communication)
Introduction Once a portlet is placed on a portal page, its data is not directly shared with other portlets. IPC (Inter Portlet Communication) defines the ways that a Portlet can interact and communicate with another...
Understanding Liferay portlet configuration files
After creating and deploying a Liferay Portlet in the previous post, we will take time now to understand the basic Liferay files, especially these following : Portlet.xml Liferay-portlet.xml Liferay-display.xml Liferay-hook.xml Web.xml Faces-config.xml