
Setup Liferay PostgreSQL Database

Follow these instructions to configure your Liferay portal with PostgreSQL SGBD :

For PostgreSQL, there is no need to download the jdbc driver. When Liferay detects you want to use PostgreSQL, it will automatically include the driver (postgresql.jar) in your $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/ext.

Create a blank database and give it a name. Let’s consider that the created database is “lportal”.

Open your file and past the following lines :

Set the correct username and password to connect to your database.

The is located in the same folder as your $TOMCAT_HOME. If it doesn’t exist, create it. location

During the server start, you can verify that Liferay started with the correct dialect (PostgreSQL) by looking for the following line in your server log console/file:

If you go back to your database, you will see that it’s now populated by about 180 data tables that Liferay created on startup.

If you already configured your portal with hsql and want to re-configured it with the PostgreSQL Database and add samples data, open file located in the same folder as Set the setup.wizard.enabled to true and restart your server.