
3 ways to call a stored procedure with Hibernate (JPA 2.1)


A new feature is provided in  JPA 2.1 allowing a direct usage of stored procedures without using native query. This tutorial will show 3 different ways to call a database stored procedure with Hibernate.

Used in this tutorial :


Let’s consider a database that stores authors and their books. Below the entities model :

Author books database model

Consider the following stored procedure that adds a new book to an author and returns the identifier of the created book.

I’m using a PostgreSQL database in this tutorial.

In the next sections, we will use the new JPA stored procedure features to call the stored procedure using Hibernate as implementation.

Calling database stored procedure

The tutorial source code is available on Github. Download the source

Using @NamedStoredProcedureQuery

JPA 2.1 provides the @NamedStoredProcedureQuery annotation to define your stored procedure. The basic usage is as follow :

Let’s take a moment to understand each attribute

In order to call the stored procedure addbook of our example, the NamedStoredProcedureQuery should be as follows :

How to call it ?

The javax.persistence.EntityManager interface exposes the   createNamedStoredProcedureQuery(String name) method to call the named stored procedure. This method returns a StoredProcedureQuery in which you must set all the parameters definied in the NamedStoredProcedureQuery.

Below the usage in our example :

Note that in this example, I used named parameters. Parameters can also be setted by positions as shown in the next section.

Creating dynamic stored procedure

The second way to call a database stored procedure is by creating dynamically a StoredProcedureQuery. The javax.persistence.EntityManager interface exposes the   createStoredProcedureQuery(String procedureName) method to create an instance of StoredProcedureQuery.

Similarly to the NamedStoredProcedureQuery, the parameters must be registered before performing the call. The parameters registration can be done by using one of the following method :

Example of use :

Contrary to the previous section, we will use positional parameters in the following example :

Using @Procedure of Spring data jpa

Spring data jpa, as usual, provides an easy way to call stored procedures by using the annotation @Procedure. It maps directly the repository method with the declared JPA 2.1 named stored procedure.

Example of use :

The tutorial source code is available on Github. Download the source
